UNICEF Reveals Nigerian Government’s 13-yr Failure to Submit Child Rights Report


By Laide Akinboade, Abuja

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) revealed, Monday that the Nigerian government has failed to submit a report on the status of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) to the Committee on CRC for 13 years.

During an enlightening two-day training program for journalists, UNICEF’s Child Protection Specialist, Fatimah Adamu, shed light on the four crucial principles of the CRC, including prioritizing the best interests of the child, guaranteeing children’s rights to survival and development, allowing children to freely express their views on matters affecting them, and ensuring that all children enjoy the rights outlined in the CRC without discrimination.

Adamu expressed her concern over the lack of family courts in Nigeria, as only three out of 32 states, including the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), have established such courts. This deficiency severely hampers the effective implementation of the Child Rights Act (CRA) across the country.

“Out of the 31 states and the FCT that have passed the CRA, Bauchi State remains the only state that has not yet enacted the act,” Adamu stated. “It is imperative that we have family courts in all states that have adopted the CRA. Without them, where will cases involving children be adjudicated? The absence of family courts undermines the protection and representation of vulnerable children, and this negligence has grave implications.”

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Highlighting the gravity of the situation, Adamu pointed out that the last report on the CRA was submitted in 2010. Nigeria’s failure to submit subsequent reports means that critical issues affecting children are not being brought to the forefront of public attention.

“The CRA is a ticking time bomb. Its proper implementation by all state governments that have adopted it is crucial. This act is about safeguarding the rights of those who are seldom heard—the vulnerable children. Failing to protect and listen to them carries significant consequences,” Adamu warned.

Furthermore, Adamu urged all tiers of the Nigerian government to enhance their administration of justice for children. She expressed disappointment that it took some states over 20 years to pass the CRA into law after Nigeria’s ratification of it in 1991. She also highlighted the significance of the African Union (AU) Charter on the Rights and Welfare of Children, which was ratified by Nigeria in 1990.

In his opening address, Falayi Temitoye, the Chief Information Officer of the Child Rights Information Bureau, Federal Ministry of Information, extended a warm welcome to media practitioners attending the two-day media dialogue on the status of child rights law implementation in the states.

“The country program document focuses on key areas where the Nigerian government requires UNICEF’s support, knowledge, and financial assistance. These areas include health, nutrition, basic education, and social policy advocacy,” Temitoye explained.

He commended the journalists for their invaluable contribution to the betterment of children and women, stressing that their work goes beyond monetary value and serves as a selfless dedication to uplift the status of children and women in society.

He called on them to redouble their efforts in shedding light on the implementation status of the Child Rights Act of 2003 by governments, with the aim of encouraging the remaining states to promptly adopt and domesticate the act.


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