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		<title>Ballon d’Or: He’s special – Rodri names player to win award</title>
		<pubDate>Thu, 14 Nov 2024 06:35:48 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[<p>Rodri, a midfielder for Manchester City, has predicted that Barcelona&#8217;s Lamine Yamal will soon win the Ballon d&#8217;Or. Rodri described Yamal as a special player, adding that he must continue his impressive form. Both players are international teammates with the Spain national team. Rodri recently won the 2024 Ballon d’Or, while Yamal won the Kopa [&#8230;]</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com/ballon-dor-hes-special-rodri-names-player-to-win-award/">Ballon d’Or: He’s special – Rodri names player to win award</a> appeared first on <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com">The DailyNewswave</a>.</p>
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<div>Rodri, a midfielder for Manchester City, has predicted that Barcelona&#8217;s Lamine Yamal will soon win the Ballon d&#8217;Or.</div>
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<p>Rodri described Yamal as a special player, adding that he must continue his impressive form.</p>
<p>Both players are international teammates with the Spain national team.</p>
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<p>Rodri recently won the 2024 Ballon d’Or, while Yamal won the Kopa Trophy for the best young player in the world.</p>
<p>“Lamine Yamal will win a Ballon d’Or, that’s what I said.</p>
<p>“I can’t say if he will win more than one or not, let’s not put too much pressure on him… but he’s special. We felt that from the first moment.</p>
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<p>“He must continue, keep going, be humble,” Rodri was quoted by Fabrizio Romano as saying</p>
<p>Written By Don Silas</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">
<p>The post <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com/ballon-dor-hes-special-rodri-names-player-to-win-award/">Ballon d’Or: He’s special – Rodri names player to win award</a> appeared first on <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com">The DailyNewswave</a>.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">17960</post-id>	</item>
		<title>Ballon d’Or: It’s not good for football – Spain coach on Vinicius, Real Madrid’s absence</title>
		<pubDate>Tue, 29 Oct 2024 17:47:11 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[@Ballon d’Or]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://thedailynewswave.com/?p=17615</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[<p>Luis de la Fuente, the coach of Spain, responded to Real Madrid&#8217;s absence from the 2024 Ballon d&#8217;Or presentation. Real Madrid opted not to travel to France for the Ballon d’Or after being aware that their forward Vinicius wouldn’t win the award. Vinicius, alongside his teammates Dani Carvajal, Jude Bellingham, Kylian Mbappe and Antonio Rudiger, [&#8230;]</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com/ballon-dor-its-not-good-for-football-spain-coach-on-vinicius-real-madrids-absence/">Ballon d’Or: It’s not good for football – Spain coach on Vinicius, Real Madrid’s absence</a> appeared first on <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com">The DailyNewswave</a>.</p>
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<div>Luis de la Fuente, the coach of Spain, responded to Real Madrid&#8217;s absence from the 2024 Ballon d&#8217;Or presentation.</div>
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<p>Real Madrid opted not to travel to France for the Ballon d’Or after being aware that their forward Vinicius wouldn’t win the award.</p>
<p>Vinicius, alongside his teammates Dani Carvajal, Jude Bellingham, Kylian Mbappe and Antonio Rudiger, did not travel to France for the Ballon d’Or ceremony.</p>
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<p>Speaking on the development, De la Fuente insisted that the absence of Vinicius and other members of Real Madrid at the award gala is not good for football.</p>
<p>He said (via Fabrizio Romano): “It is not good for football that a club like Real Madrid is not present at a gala of this nature.”</p>
<p>Written By Don Silas</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com/ballon-dor-its-not-good-for-football-spain-coach-on-vinicius-real-madrids-absence/">Ballon d’Or: It’s not good for football – Spain coach on Vinicius, Real Madrid’s absence</a> appeared first on <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com">The DailyNewswave</a>.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">17615</post-id>	</item>
		<title>Ballon d’Or 2024: Players that could make top 3</title>
		<pubDate>Tue, 29 Oct 2024 17:41:20 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[@Ballon d’Or]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://thedailynewswave.com/?p=17605</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[<p>The 2024 Ballon d&#8217;Or winner will eventually be revealed on Monday, which is today. For the first time in its history, neither Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo were included in the 30-man shortlist. Messi (eight) and Ronaldo (five) both won the award 13 times in 16 years. Instead, this time around, there will be new [&#8230;]</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com/ballon-dor-2024-players-that-could-make-top-3/">Ballon d’Or 2024: Players that could make top 3</a> appeared first on <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com">The DailyNewswave</a>.</p>
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<p class="mvp-logo-title">The 2024 Ballon d&#8217;Or winner will eventually be revealed on Monday, which is today.</p>
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<p>For the first time in its history, neither Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo were included in the 30-man shortlist.</p>
<p>Messi (eight) and Ronaldo (five) both won the award 13 times in 16 years.</p>
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<p>Instead, this time around, there will be new contenders. Vinicius Junior (Real Madrid), Rodri (Manchester City), Kylian Mbappe (PSG/Real Madrid) and Erling Halaand (Manchester City) fight for the prize.</p>
<p>Ahead of the ceremony at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris tonight, DAILY POST takes a look at the players that are likely to make the top three.</p>
<p>Vinicius Junior: The 24-year-old, who inherited Ronaldo’s no.7 shirt at Real Madrid, is the hot favourite to succeed Messi. This follows an impressive season where he won the LaLiga and Champions League titles with Los Blancos. Vinicius scored 24 goals and provided 11 assists and will become the next Brazilian to win the prize since Kaka.</p>
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<p>Rodri: There have been a lot of calls for the Manchester City midfielder to win the Ballon d’Or this year. But the Spaniard, who won the Premier League title and Euro 2024, is likely to finish second behind Vinicius Jr. It would be a tough one for Rodri, who is considered the best in his position and has become an influential member of Pep Guardiola’s squad.</p>
<p>Bellingham: The England midfielder looks like the player that will make up the top three, ahead of Real team-mates Dani Carvajal and Kylian Mbappe. Bellingham enjoyed a fruitful debut season with the LaLiga champions and played in the Euro 2024 final with the Three Lions. Although he is yet to score a single goal this season, the 21-year-old has done enough to be a finalist for this award.</p>
<p>Written By Ifreke Inyang</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com/ballon-dor-2024-players-that-could-make-top-3/">Ballon d’Or 2024: Players that could make top 3</a> appeared first on <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com">The DailyNewswave</a>.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">17605</post-id>	</item>
		<title>Ballon d’Or: Top 5 favourites to win award ranked</title>
		<pubDate>Mon, 07 Oct 2024 17:09:09 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[@Ballon d’Or]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://thedailynewswave.com/?p=17114</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[<p>The top five candidates for this year&#8217;s Ballon d&#8217;Or have been determined via ranking. Man City’s star midfielder, Rodri has been ranked fourth in a recently held fan vote on the official Ballon d’Or website. Rodri received just 6.6% of the votes from football supporters across the globe. &#160; DAILY POST reports that the 2024 [&#8230;]</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com/ballon-dor-top-5-favourites-to-win-award-ranked/">Ballon d’Or: Top 5 favourites to win award ranked</a> appeared first on <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com">The DailyNewswave</a>.</p>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The top five candidates for this year&#8217;s Ballon d&#8217;Or have been determined via ranking.</p>
<p>Man City’s star midfielder, Rodri has been ranked fourth in a recently held fan vote on the official Ballon d’Or website.</p>
<p>Rodri received just 6.6% of the votes from football supporters across the globe.</p>
<p>DAILY POST reports that the 2024 Ballon d’Or award ceremony will take place in Paris on October 28.</p>
<p>Real Madrid ace, Vinicius Jr led the fan vote on the official France Football website, securing 64.6% votes.</p>
<p>Vinicius has been widely tipped to win the award this year, having played a crucial role in Los Blancos’ success last season.</p>
<p>Lautaro Martinez was ranked second in the voting, scoring 8.2% of the vote after an impressive season with Inter Milan and Argentina.</p>
<p>England and Real Madrid midfielder, Jude Bellingham, ranked third with 8.2% of the vote.</p>
<p>The Englishman had a standout season, providing 36 goal contributions for his club and scoring twice in the Euros to help England reach the finals.</p>
<p>Rodri, who won the Premier League with Manchester City and the Euros with Spain, was ranked fourth.</p>
<p>The final name on the list was fellow Spaniard, Lamine Yamal, who received 4.6% of the votes.</p>
<p>Written By John Owen Nwachukwu</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com/ballon-dor-top-5-favourites-to-win-award-ranked/">Ballon d’Or: Top 5 favourites to win award ranked</a> appeared first on <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com">The DailyNewswave</a>.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">17114</post-id>	</item>
		<title>Ballon d’Or 2024: Nominees for Yachine Trophy revealed [Full List]</title>
		<pubDate>Wed, 04 Sep 2024 21:39:16 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[<p>The 2024 Yachine Trophy nominees have been announced by the Ballon d&#8217;Or organizers. The nominees, released on Wednesday, include the likes of South Africa’s Ronwen Williams, Portugal’s Diogo Costa, Italy’s Gianluigi Donnarumma and Argentina’s Emiliano Martinez. The winner of the Yachine Trophy will be announced in October. &#160; Here is the full list: Diogo Costa [&#8230;]</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com/ballon-dor-2024-nominees-for-yachine-trophy-revealed-full-list/">Ballon d’Or 2024: Nominees for Yachine Trophy revealed [Full List]</a> appeared first on <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com">The DailyNewswave</a>.</p>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The 2024 Yachine Trophy nominees have been announced by the Ballon d&#8217;Or organizers.</p>
<p>The nominees, released on Wednesday, include the likes of South Africa’s Ronwen Williams, Portugal’s Diogo Costa, Italy’s Gianluigi Donnarumma and Argentina’s Emiliano Martinez.</p>
<p>The winner of the Yachine Trophy will be announced in October.</p>
<p>Here is the full list:</p>
<p>Diogo Costa (Porto/Portugal)</p>
<p>Gianluigi Donnarumma (PSG/Italy)</p>
<p>Gregor Kobel (Dortmund/Switzerland)</p>
<p>Andrei Lunin (Real Madrid/Ukraine)</p>
<p>Mike Maignan (Milan/France)</p>
<p>Giorgi Mamardachvili (Valenica/Georgia)</p>
<p>Emiliano Martinez (Aston Villa/Argentina)</p>
<p>Unai Simon (Athletic Bilbao/Spain)</p>
<p>Yann Sommer (Inter/Switzerland)</p>
<p>Ronwen Williams (Mamelodi Sundowns/South Africa)</p>
<p>Written By Don Silas</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com/ballon-dor-2024-nominees-for-yachine-trophy-revealed-full-list/">Ballon d’Or 2024: Nominees for Yachine Trophy revealed [Full List]</a> appeared first on <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com">The DailyNewswave</a>.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">16365</post-id>	</item>
		<title>Ballon d’Or: Nobody likes him – Leboeuf names player that should win award</title>
		<pubDate>Tue, 23 Jul 2024 20:49:54 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[<p>&#160; Insisting that Real Madrid right-back Dani Carvajal should take home the 2024 Ballon d&#8217;Or is Frank Leboeuf, a former Chelsea defender. Leboeuf feels Carvajal should win the Ballon d’Or ahead of Jude Bellingham, Vinicius Jr., and Rodri because he won every trophies this year. According to him, nobody likes the Spain defender because he [&#8230;]</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com/ballon-dor-nobody-likes-him-leboeuf-names-player-that-should-win-award/">Ballon d’Or: Nobody likes him – Leboeuf names player that should win award</a> appeared first on <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com">The DailyNewswave</a>.</p>
<p>Insisting that Real Madrid right-back Dani Carvajal should take home the 2024 Ballon d&#8217;Or is Frank Leboeuf, a former Chelsea defender.</p>
<p>Leboeuf feels Carvajal should win the Ballon d’Or ahead of Jude Bellingham, Vinicius Jr., and Rodri because he won every trophies this year.</p>
<p>According to him, nobody likes the Spain defender because he doesn’t have many goals.</p>
<p>The 2024 Ballon d’Or will be awarded in October.</p>
<p>Speaking on ESPNFC, Leboeuf said:<br />
“Carvajal, he’s won everything. So we have to call it the forward Ballon d’Or [if Bellingham or Vinicius wins it]. Vini won the Champions League, won the league, but was not really good in Copa America. Bellingham wasn’t good at the Euros.</p>
<p>“And then you have two guys, Rodri didn’t win the Champions League but he has been absolutely outstanding and the best player in the Euros, won the Premier League.</p>
<p>“Then you have Carvajal, nobody likes him because he doesn’t have [many goals].<br />
“He is like our times’ right-back, dirty, tricky or whatever but the guy won everything.</p>
<p>“So you can tell me what it is, whether it’s the Ballon d’Or of some people or the Ballon d’Or for all footballers. If that’s the case [Carvajal should win].”</p>
<p>Written By Don Silas</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com/ballon-dor-nobody-likes-him-leboeuf-names-player-that-should-win-award/">Ballon d’Or: Nobody likes him – Leboeuf names player that should win award</a> appeared first on <a href="https://thedailynewswave.com">The DailyNewswave</a>.</p>
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