Parks 7pm closure: Attah is not our enemy – says NUJ FCT Council


The Nigeria Union of Journalists, FCT Council, has distanced itself from the recent online attacks on the Senior Special Assistant to the FCT Minister on Monitoring, Inspection and Enforcement, Mr. Ikharo Attah, since the directive for parks and gardens to close by 7pm.

Attah, has since Monday, July 2022, being leading the FCT enforcement team to implement the Park Policy that stipulates 7pm closing time for all parks and gardens in the territory.

The government’s directive has since attracted outrage from the general, with many taking to various social media platforms to express their displeasure over the policy.

The FCT NUJ in a statement late Tuesday evening expressed worries over the attacks on the person of Ikharo Attah, who is also a journalist.

A statement consigned by the chairman and Secretary of Council, Comrade Emmanuel Ogbeche and Ochiaka Ugwu, asked that Attah should be spared the backlash as he is not the drafter of the controversal policy.

The statement reads, “The attention of the Nigeria Union of Journalists FCT Council has been drawn to several online messages against the person of Mr. Ikharo Attah, SSA to the Minister of the FCT on Monitoring, Inspection and Enforcement, since the directive for parks and gardens to close by 7pm.

“While as a Council we understand the angst against that policy of the government, we are however worried by the personal attacks even from some journalists against Mr. Attah.”

For the avoidance of doubt, the NUJ stressed that, “As an appointee of government, Mr. Attah was not responsible for the drafting and enactment of the controversial policy, nor is he responsible for the directive on parks and gardens closure.

“It is in this regard that we urge our colleagues to express their displeasure with civility and within the realm of decency. The idea of personal attacks with some bordering on threats are not welcome and should cease.

“We do not wish that some unscrupulous elements latch on to these suggestive messages and see it as an avenue to cause physical harm to Mr. Attah or any of his loved ones.

“Mr. Attah has distinguished himself as a journalist who at all times upheld the code and ethics of the profession and remains no less a thoroughbred professional.

“Without a doubt, his job schedule places a difficult task on him and he continues to execute his mandate without malice or the intention to wilfully hurt any resident of the FCT.

“It is instructive to state that the NUJ joined parks’ operators today, Tuesday, to meet officials of the FCTA on the way forward and will continue to engage the administration in finding a way out of the ongoing conversation regarding the operations of parks and gardens in Abuja.

“At the meeting, our representative highlighted the disruption to the huge value chain that parks and gardens offer, therefore, the need to look at whatever existing policy there is so as to accommodate all segments of Abuja society. We reiterate our commitment to always work towards a better and inclusive territory.”


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