Nigerian Army Generals say Reuters’ report on North East military operations full of lies

National Human Rights Commission

As the Justice Abdu Aboki (rtd) led Special Independent Investigative Panel on Human Rights Violation in Counter Insurgency Operations in North East resumes its sitting in Abuja, Major General James Olubumi Akomolafe (rtd) and two other top military Officers on Monday said the allegations contained in the Reuters’ report were totally false.

Akomolafe, a former Commander of 21 Armored Brigade told the 7-Member panel that Reuters’ report of abortion of 10, 000 pregnancies among other human rights violations could not have been committed by a military fighting to preserve and protect the lives of citizens of the country.

Asked if such acts would have been committed without the knowledge of Commanding Officers, Gen. Akomolafe said it was not possible for any military personnel under his command to sneak out to have any business with civilians, adding that no military personnel can sneak out to render even medical service without his knowledge, as contained the report.

He said such acts were not possible considering that the Brigade Headquarters covers a vast area with a perimeter fencing that has only one functional gate as the second gate was permanently locked for Security reasons.

The former Instructor at Army Armored School told the panel that it was not possible for any soldier to leave the perimeter area because there are military policemen manning the only gate in use.

He said also that not even the people that supply the cows that were slaughtered for meat in the command every other day had access to the area because they were not allowed to go beyond the gate.

The retired Officer therefore said that Reuters’ second report of smothering, poisoning and shooting of children alleged to be fathered by members of Boko Haram sect for the purpose of stopping the regeneration of the sect members was equally false.

He pointed out that by military training, solders are not permitted to shoot carelessly but must have a definite target bearing in mind that their duties among other things include the protection of civilians especially in conflict situations.

In the same manner, he denied any involvement by soldiers, in any Sexual and Gender Based Violence pointing out that Nigeria has a professional Army that does not deviate from the normal and standard practices.

The witness who was the Officer commanding 8 Task Force Division in Monguno, Borno state told the panel that it would be insensitive on the part of the troop that relate with the civilians in the most cordial manner to suddenly turn round and unleash attacks on them in the name of fighting insurgency.

He informed the panel that he was hearing the Reuters’ report for the first time and explained that his Division then “is a special creation that is why it is called a task force, it was temporary and meant to be dissolved later so most of our cases were taken to 7 Division in Maiduguri.

” We did not attend to any civilians medically, we refer any case we have of civilians, arrested or surrendered, take Maiduguri”. he said.

“We had ambulances that take people to 7 Division in Maiduguri. We moved them from Monguno to 7 Division. We don’t hold them beyond the necessary one hour, two hours we move them to Maiduguri.

He said surrendered or captured combatants are usually taken to 7 Division detention centre.

In their separate submissions, the current Force Commander UN military mission to South Sudan, Major General Benjamin Olufemi Sawyer and Major General A.A. Nani (rtd) denied the involvement of the Nigerian Army in any of the allegations made by Reuters’.

They stressed the professional nature of the Nigerian Army saying that such improper acts as reported by Reuters are unknown to the Army.

The panel’s secretary and general counsel,Mr. Hilary Ogbonna informed the panel of additional report by Reuters’ still alleging “abortion assaults” against the military.


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