Muslim pilgrim explains why she returned missing $8,000 dollars to the owner in Mecca


Aisha Nahuche, a Zamfara State pilgrim in this year’s Hajj, has explained why she returned missing $8,000 to the owner in Saudi Arabia.

Aisha who hails from Nahuche village in the Bungudu Local Government Area of Zamfara State said retuned the money to the owner knowing that it was stealing to keep what does not belong to her, adding that such an act would attract God anger and punishment.

“What I know is that, anybody who steals will surely face Allah’s wrath in the world hereafter and may end up in hellfire.”

She said in an interview that it was wrong to assume she returned the money because she was rich, adding that she travelled for the Hajj with money contributed by her children who she said always take care of her.

The 58 years old woman also said she did not attend western education but Islamic school, adding that her husband was equally happy to hear that she returned the missing money to the owner.

“My husband was very happy when the news came to him that I found some money in Mecca and returned it to the owner. He was happy with me.”

She said nobody mocked her for returning the money; rather she has been receiving many people since she returned to Nigeria with everybody praising her for the good gesture.

“Nobody mocked me because I returned the money to the owner. People had been trooping to my house since I returned from Hajj to hail me and commend me for this action. People from far places have been coming to my house just to see me. But I am telling you that nobody has mocked me or blamed me for my action.

“I did not go to a modern or regular school. I only attended a Quranic school.

“Rich? Who said that I am rich? Alhamdulillah, I am rich because I have children who take care of me. But I am telling you that I have never seen N1m in my life, not to speak of being rich. My children were the ones who contributed money and paid for my Hajj seat so that I could perform the Hajj which is one of the five pillars of Islam,” she said.

Aisha picked the money which was in a purse and lost by its owner in the Holy Mosque of Mecca.

“I came across the money when I was going around the Holy Kaaba as part of Hajj activities. I didn’t know what was in the purse until I returned to my hotel room. Immediately I opened the purse, I saw some money in dollars and I quickly closed the purse and went direct to Sheikh Ahmed Kanoma who is a prominent Islamic scholar in Zamfara State.

“Sheikh Kanoma in the company of other government delegations opened the purse and counted the money inside and discovered the sum of $8,000. I begged them to look for the owner of the money. After some days, the owner of the money who is from one of the Arabic countries was found and when he mentioned the amount in the purse and where he lost it, the money was handed over to him. He counted the money and discovered that it was intact. The man who had lost hope was surprised to see his money given back to him.

“You see, I was in the Holy land of Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj which is the five pillars of Islam. I was there to seek the blessings of Allah. So, if I had refused to return the money to the owner, do you think Allah will be pleased with me? I am also sure that Allah will surely ask me about this money in the world hereafter. This could also lead me to hellfire. So, that explains why I decided to return the money to the owner when I found it. I returned the money to avoid the wrath of Allah,” she stated.


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