Lassa Fever: Nigeria’s death toll hits 178 in 2022 – NCDC


The Nigeria  Centre for Disease Control, NCDC, has revealed that a total of 178 Lassa fever deaths and 989 confirmed infections have been recorded across Nigeria between January to 20 November,2022.

The NCDC said the record shows a case fatality rate, CFR, of 18.0 per cent which is lower than the 21.1 per cent CFR recorded for the same period in 2021.

The report shows that 103 suspected cases were recorded within the week under review, of which four infections and one death were confirmed.

In total for 2022, according to the report, at least one confirmed case has been recorded across 107 local government areas in 26 states, noting that of all the confirmed cases, 71 per cent are from Ondo, Edo and Bauchi State.

Ondo State in the South-west topped the infection list with 33 per cent, while Edo and Bauchi state accounted for 26 and 12 per cent of the infections respectively.

NCDC maintained that the number of suspected cases has increased compared to that reported for the same period in 2021 but no new healthcare worker was affected in the reporting week.

The reports revealed that the symptoms include fever, headache, sore throat, general body weakness, cough, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, muscle pains, chest pain, and in severe cases, unexplainable bleeding from ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and other body openings.


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