IOM rewards 12 Nigerian journalists on migration reporting


Twelve Nigerian journalists across media organizations have emerged winners of yearly International Organization for Migration, IOM, Reporter competition for 2022.

Organized by the European Union and International Organization for Migration, IOM, Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration in West and Central African countries to highlight quality reporting on reintegration and protection of migrants in four categories of radio, television, online and print.

Speaking to journalist on the sidelines shortly after the award ceremony on Thursday in Abuja the IOM Chief of Mission Prestage Murima said journalist play important role in migration management and governance.

“We use their platforms to communicate to people who are on the move, to people who are about to travel, to people who are intending to come back home.

So it is important that we we cultivate a community of journalist who have the right skill sets to talk about migration in a positive light, highlighting the good things that migration brings about.”

She added that “We have a lot of people who are coming back home. Those are positive stories. We know that we have 1000s of Nigerians who are stuck in Libya and journalist and play that role also to sensitize people around irregular migration the dangers of irregular migration but most importantly to talk about the message around regular migration pathways”

Murima expressed concern “that despite significant efforts by the Federal Government of Nigeria, intergovernmental organizations, and civil society to protect victims from these risks, still today, many migrants fall prey to traffickers and smugglers due to a lack of information about safe alternatives to migration, explaining that trusted and accurate information, knowledge sharing, and awareness-raising are powerful tools to help potential migrants make informed and life-saving decisions”

She further explained the overview of the activities the led to the emergence of the awardees “As a process that began on 7 April to 7 May 2022 with the launch of the call for applications. Nigerian journalists working in local and international media had a month to submit entries on topics related to irregular migration, return and reintegration and migrant protection.

“In total 56 submissions were received and assessed based on rigorous evaluation criteria by a jury comprising academia, experienced journalists, the European Union Delegation in Nigeria, and media experts from IOM.
In June 2022, the jury finalize
“Out of 56 entries, 12 journalists won awards in four categories which include radio, television, online and print.

The winner in the print category journalist with Guardian newspaper, Gbenga Salau said” my story was about my visit across West African coast to look at how the enforcement of COVID-19 protocols. I Benin, Togo and Ghana and back to Nigeria, just observing what is it like in terms of enforcement of the PCR

While the winner in radio category Zainab Sanni of Agidibgo FM in Ibadan said her story was about 11 ladies that were repatriated from Lebanon who due to struggling the we’re still going through began to nurture plans to go back we’re living a life of modern slavery and there was intervention for the ladies.

All awardees took home of different cash prizes and certificates and plagues for their work.


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