Bloodbath in Sudan as fighting leaves 185 dead, 1,800 injured while UN is helpless


Reports Tuesday morning indicate that not less than 185 people have been killed while more than 1,800 are injured as a result of fighting between government troops and paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Sudan.

United Nation’s envoy, Volker Perthes stated this amid airstrikes and fighting in Khartoum and strife across Sudan.

The battling factions have each claimed to have made gains on Monday as continued violence cut power and water in the capital.

The U.N in Sudan also said the two sides showed no signs of being willing to negotiate.

According to report by Reuters, the deadly power struggle has derailed a shift to civilian rule and raised fears of a wider conflict.

“Smoke hung over the capital, and residents reported a clamour of airstrikes, artillery fire and shooting that shut hospitals in a city unused to violence.

“The two sides who are fighting are not giving the impression that they want mediation for a peace between them right away,” Perthes told reporters by video link from Khartoum.

He said the sides had agreed a three-hour humanitarian truce but for a second consecutive day fighting continued despite the promises of calm.

The fighting in Khartoum and its adjoining sister cities of Omdurman and Bahri since Saturday is the worst in decades and risks tearing Sudan between two military factions that had shared power during a rocky political transition.

Army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan heads a ruling council installed after a 2021 coup and the 2019 ousting of veteran leader Omar Bashir during mass protests. RSF leader General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, known as Hemedti, is his deputy.

Under an internationally backed transition plan, the RSF was shortly due to merge with the army. Burhan on Monday branded the RSF a rebel group and ordered it be dissolved as the two sides exchanged bitter accusations.


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