UNICEF Says Over 100 Abducted Children In Northeast Still Missing



Since 2014, over 1000 children have been abducted in the North-Eastern part of Nigeria with more Than 100 of these children, the United Nations Children Fund, UNICEF, revealed are still missing or unaccounted for.

In a statement by UNICEF which was made available to Our Correspondent, the UN agency is calling for the immediate and safe release of all children under captivity in the country.

UNICEF however commended the release of the four girls recently abducted in Chibok community in Borno State, disclosing that between December and July of 2021, at least 1,450 children were abducted, most from their schools, across Central and North-West regions of the country.

The released girls and others still in captivity were abducted from the Kautikari community earlier this January in the Chibok Local Government Area.

It would be recalled that Chibok came to global attention in 2014 when 276 schoolgirls were abducted from their school. About 173 of the Chibok girls are still missing.

Earlier this month, an unconfirmed number of children were reportedly abducted in Pemi, another community in the Chibok LGA.
The statement, however, quoted UNICEF Representative in Nigeria, Peter Hawkins, as saying: “UNICEF is very relieved for the released girls and their families.

“After their harrowing experience, it is good news that the girls are back with their families and friends, where they belong.

“But sadly, dozens of children in north-east Nigeria remain in captivity; the victims of an armed conflict they have nothing to do with. This is unconscionable. Children have the right to a safe environment, health, education, and freedom from abuse and torture – all of which remain compromised when they are in captivity.

“Children are not the spoils of conflict. All children in captivity must be immediately and safely released to their families.”

UNICEF, however, lamented that children in Nigeria continue to face unprecedented violations of their rights, including abductions, torture, killings, recruitment into armed groups, and forced marriages, among other abuses of their rights.


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