2023: NUJ sets up situation room to track election matters


The Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ, has set up an Elections Situation Room ahead of the 2023 presidential elections as part of efforts of strengthening and promoting democratic culture in the country.

According to the National President of the union, Comrade Chris Isiguzo, the Situation Room sited at the headquarters of the NUJ in Abuja, is expected to receive reports from journalists on election duty on acts of impunity against the media through dedicated telephone numbers to be provided to all the 36 State Councils of the Union and the FCT.

A statement issued by the National Secretary of the union, Shuaibu Leman, also called on the Election Management Body, INEC, to ensure a smooth, free and fair process where the people’s choice will emerge as President of the country.

The NUJ President in the statement also appealed to politicians to stop overheating the polity ahead of the election through blackmail, “hate speeches, spreading of fake news, use of intemperate language, vote buying and use of violence.”

The President cautioned journalists to be alert at all times while on election duty. He advised Journalists in the field to work together with other colleagues in groups and warns them to avoid any area where they feel insecure or threatened.

The NUJ according to the statement, “in realisation of the need to promote safety of Journalists and peaceful elections through professional coverage of elections, had in collaboration with the Election Management Body – INEC and Centre for Democracy and Development – CDD organised series of workshops late last year on Conflict Sensitive Reporting and the 2023 General Election for Journalists across the Country.

“He particularly appeals to the Federal Government and all States of the Federation, to take effective measures for better protection of journalists while on election duty. He frowns at a situation where those in authority deliberately use Security Personnel or other Freelance non State Actors to threaten Journalists or out rightly attack them and their equipment.”


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